1) sample source
Formant synth library - based on the sounds
FS1R synthesizer. The FS1R is a very unique synth, it
uses formant shaping synthesis.
The result: beautiful artificial vocal textures, rich pads
and silly voice leads, and all of them have a special sound
character, which can't be imitated with other instruments
- you have to hear it!

Human voice library - optimized for the
Reason's vocoder. More than 700 English words and human
sound elements, see the "Human
Voice List.pdf" for the complete list. You can
use them as a modulator source for vocoder.
Other samples – collection of other
samples that couldn't be placed in the aforesaid categories.
Modulator samples for Vocoder: synthetic vowels, various
continuously sweeping LP, BP and HP noises, static colored
noises, white noise.

2) NN-XT bank
It provides elements for the combinators, but some of them
can be used in themselves, especially the FS1R patches.
You can find the following categories:
• FS1R
Patches 1 – Original
FS1R Patches 2 – Mutant
• FS1R
Patches 3 – Combination
• Modulator
Patches 1 (C1-A#1)
• Modulator
Patches 2 (full range)
• Vocoder
Carrier patches
• XTernal

4) Combinator bank
These are definitely the heart of Cybervox!:-)
In a long experimental test and research period we have
developed several combinator setups: vocoder players, realtime
sound manipulating tools and sound morphing machines.

No doubt, they will give you totally new playing techniques
changing your views, and hopefully you will gain a lot of
inspirations, both for creating and for playing music.
Currently the Combinator bank contains 101 Combi patches,
for more details please read the Cybervox users
guide, it can be downloaded from the next