is the biggest magazine for music and computers worldwide
in German language. Björn Morgenstern has reviewed
our two refills, Cybervox and PROTON3.
The final conclusion is "Sehr Gut" :-)
German readers, you can read
he full review here! You can also listen
to some demo sounds, created by Björn.
Björn sent a brief summary in English:
"Similarly to Analogue Monsters these two refills
are high quality refills. All sample contents are carefully
looped and matched. There are no fillers and the combinator
patches are really useful.
Pro.Ton3 is grown up to a big "Oscillator-Library".
The new Analog-Chorus Oscillators are very fine and sound
excellent warm and alive. The idea, i.e. sampling sounds
dry and with the original Roland/Boss vintage chorus effect,
and bringing it together in the combinator, is a great concept.
There are many possibilities for creating your own sounds
Cybervox is somewhat more special, but just as well as
Pro.Ton3. Focused on vocalsounds and vocodering based on
Yamaha FS1R and Reason vocoder there are many possibilities
for playing a lot of sounds or playing around with the special
programmed vocoder-combis. Personally I am really excited
about the synthetic vocal-pads and the magic-key (B1 key
from keyboard) for freeze the vocoder signal.
So, overall we gave without hesitation a "Very good"
for both Refills and you can't make anything wrong for that
purchase price."

11/03 2008.
CYBERVOX review by Refusion
Project - China
Refusion Project uses Reason banks
products in CD production
Like: I just bought the Cybervox Refill
yesterday. As always, Andras was prompt to send
me my license number so I could download it.
If you're familiar with DeepFlight then you can
guess what the layout of Cybervox is. It's a complex
refill of not just sounds but deep, creative cominator
units that just beg you to explore the capabilities.
The sound quality of the samples in this refill
are immense. The combinator units are well-built
and even more fun comes from the fact that it provides
the units as templates to work with.
You'll get instant results with the patches but
you should understand that neither DeepFlight nor
Cybervox are for lazy people as the samples are
a bit limited in number compared to the usual 'massive'
refills out today. You've got to really get involved
with the system they set you up with to get really
creative sounds out of it. This is a good thing.
Dislike: Sound samples are bit limited
in number but you can use your own sound library
to enhance it.

4 points - Good work, recommended!