'...Owners of the Reasonbanks Orange, Proton,
and Analog Monsters libraries already know
the quality that goes into these libraries,
and Virology makes the perfect digital companion
to these analog sample sets.
Minutes after sorting through patches, the
sounds started to inspire me, I really like
this library, and see myself using it in
a variety of applications....' read
he full review
About Peff: Kurt Kurasaki
aka 'Peff' is a journalist, he is the author
of Power
Tools for Reason (a must have book
to every REASON user!!!).
USER Reviews
You can read user testimonals below. If you're
a VIROLOGY owner and you feel like writing a review, please
do that, write! We will publish it on this
VIROLOGY review by suntsu - Belgium
Like: As the habit, all the patches and samples are great !
It's a must have ;-)
Dislike: Give me a few years and I promise that I'll find something wrong with this ;-)
Grade:     4 points - Good work, recommended!
VIROLOGY review by John Connor from USA
John is a producer/dj
Like: good pads, large selection,
well organized
Dislike: I bought this along w/ MATRIX...
quite disappointed, much more impressed with
MATRIX. all the sounds are quite similar and
are lacking user friendly knob control...
wished i would have gotten more variety out
of it. on the other hand, MATRIX is great! i recommend that, buy that!
Grade:     3 points - average
VIROLOGY review by Paul
Kelner - USA
About Paul: Home studio. Pro Tools 7.4 LE on
an iMAC 24' with dual 2.33 processors. I also
use Reason 4.0.1, Mach Five 2, Kore and many
DSP plug-ins. I write and record contemorary
Christian music and jazz.
Like: I downloaded this product yesterday.
It worked with absolutely no problems. The
sounds were awesome. I have downloaded many
other similar products and they have sounds
that sound almost exactly like the factory
sounds....and very few have their own character
and cut through the mix.
The Virology sounds were excellent. They
are strong and have personality. They cut
through the mix. I will be using these sounds
as opposed to other banks that I have downloaded
and never use....thanks...
Dislike: -
Grade:     5 points - excellent, highly recommended!
VIROLOGY review by Mattias (aka Another Soundscape)
from Sweden
Mattias is a composer,
arranger and sound engineer. Active on ocremix.org
Like: VIROLOGY is an exceptional ReFill.
Not only does it sample one of the greatest
sounding synths of all time and does a good
job at it, they also expand the possibilities
of regular sampling. Inside your Reason rack
you can morph these high-quality samples in
to just about anything. The ReFill contains
presets to show you this but you will probably
get the most out of it if you program sounds
yourself, otherwise you will find the ammount
of patches a little sparse since there are
many variations of the same sound.
VIROLOGY's crisp, crunchy yet phat, warm
and analogue sound is a great asset to any
electronic musicians sound arsenal as well
as any composer using Reason.
Dislike: However, I would've liked
if they included even more presets. Especially
Combinators, since there's many who will rely
on these and/or use these as bases to make
new sounds. Maybe in a future add-on refill?
Grade:     4 points - Good work, recommended!
VIROLOGY review by clayforus -
Like: the Best Customer Service Anywhere!
Dislike: N/A
Grade:     5 points - excellent, highly recommended!
VIROLOGY review by Martin -
Like: Great sounds! What more do i
need to say! Its all any of us want! The freezer
is the best part though
Dislike: Too many variations of a
few great sounds in virology! I would prefer
six different sounds rather than six versions
of one great sound.
Grade:     4 points - Good work, recommended!
VIROLOGY review by defconx (defconxmusic.com) - USA
Like: This is perhaps one of the most
inspiring ReFills I own. I am a "recreational
Reason" user and am always looking for
new sounds to inspire me. I own Analogue Monsters
Vol X and Analog Night so know the quality
of Reason Banks ReFills. I am not able to
justify buying the Access Virus that I want
so decided to do the next best thing. I purchased
this plug in and started browsing around the
sounds to see what was available.
I was absolutely AMAZED at all of the sounds
offered in this ReFill. I have been trying
to create sounds that are more organic and
flowing to add depth to my songs. Exploring
this ReFill was like the experience of using
the Combinator for the first time X 2.
There are great default patches that are
easily tweakable to create all new incredible
sounds. It has insipred me to spend more time
in Reason. I have a few songs in the works
that revolve around and were inspired by this
ReFill. Check out "Vince" at https://defconxmusic.com/music.php
If a friend owned Reason, this is the first
ReFill I would recommend they buy.
Dislike: That there are 9 more volumes
available :)
Grade:     5 points - excellent, highly recommended!
VIROLOGY review by Mike
S. - USA
Like: Combinators are great. Strong
basses, leads, drums, and a few nice pads.
Dislike: I felt that the pads were
lacking after previous experience with a real
virus b/c. When I played the pads it was the
most amazing ambient experience ever, but
that magic was not there in this refill. There
are still good pads and options to create
your own though.
Grade:     4 points - Good work, recommended!
VIROLOGY review by Neil
Pullen- UK
Like: Love the access virus raw waves
as I'm interested in sound programming. The
extra loops and combinators/sounds are a bonus
to me (though a really good bonus as I use
them as a tutorial of how to make sounds!)
Dislike: I would have liked the raw
waves to be longer (e.g. maybe a few seconds
in length) before looping. Also I would have
liked the samples to be 24 bit.
Grade:     4 points - Good work, recommended!
VIROLOGY review by Tony
La Mesmer - UK
Like: Sonically, it's magnificent
- quality sounds that are instantly recognisable
as a Virus. I had to sell my Virus-A synth
when I upgraded to an all-software studio
set-up, so it's great to be able to reaquaint
myself with those harsh basses, soaring leads
and bubbbling arpeggios within Reason.
This Refill can throw out some extremely
powerful sounds - some of the basses in the
NNXT Complex patch set are truly amazing.
It's all impressive stuff - alongside the
NNXT Complex patches, the Dr.Rex loops and
Combinator patches particularly shine.
In all, the Virology is a great refill and
it's also fantastic value for money - I'm
very pleased with it..
Dislike: Dislike? Not much really,
although there could maybe have been some
documentation (patch lists, etc)included with
the disc itself.
Grade:     5 points - excellent, highly recommended!
VIROLOGY review by Audionetwork (Dance Producer Reason user in the UK)
242 (self made musician
and EBM lover and maker. Old skool EBM is my
style) - USA
Like: Way to much to say about this
killer sample library. All refill's should
be made REASON BANK style when you get it
you get it .
I love it !!!!
I wish there was more leads (but I know there
will be an add-on soon !!!
Dislike: I wish I had more time to
make music !
Grade:     5 points - excellent, highly recommended!
next: description
