release notes
Combinator and Kong patches of ORANGE4 need the full version of Reason 6.5 or subsequent versions. NN-19, ReDrum and NN-XT patches still work with the previous versions of Reason (from version 2.5).
The current version of Reason Essentials will load all NN-XT and ReDrum patches, except Kong, Combinator and NN-19 patches, they won't work.
Additional notes
• Most of the patches
are velocity sensitive and they have been designed to
live performers, so a good remote compatible midi keyboard
is higly recommended.
• In general, modwheel
controls the filter modulations, aftertouch adds vibrato
Andras Haasz: main idea, recording & editing, sound design
Marco Raaphorst, Eric Corminier: additional NN-XT programming (ORANGE3)
Kilfish: graphic design, artwork
Dr. Gabor Bardosi: consulting editor of this Users' Guide
Beta testers: Marco Raaphorst (Raapie), Eric Corminier (the Reason.fan), Roland Pauk, Sam Haasz, Patrick Maerker (masslevel).
All samples were recorded and processed by PinkNoise Studio in 2003 - 2014.
