& credits
The use of Combinator bank requires REASON 6.5
(or most recent version) . You will need
Recycle 2.1 for further editing the external
rx2 loop files.
Andras Haasz: original concept, recording
& editing, sound design
Dr. Gabor Bardosi: consulting editor
All samples were recorded and processed, all patches were
created by PinkNoise
Studio in 2013.
Tips & tricks for KLP2
1) Most important: RUN must be on!
The "Run pattern device" knob in the
Combinator must always be on (red lights on), otherwise
you won't hear any sounds: it is the matrix pattern sequencer
(which triggers the loops) that so requires.
2) Tweak the loop in the Dr. Octo Rex player!
You can adjust the volume, pan and pitch of each slice of
the loops in Dr. Octo Rex player. This feature is a lovely
option to create totally new sequences using the existing
rex files.
If you want to change the rhythm of the loop, you can mute
certain slices by setting the slice volume to 0. You can
create chord arpeggio by changing the pitch of certain slices.
3) Offset the loop!
In some cases you may want to shift the start of the loop
in question. You can do it in the matrix sequencer: by default
the starting point has been set to the beginning of the
bar, but you can modify this by moving the D2 note (which
triggers the loop) to the second, third, etc. grid.
Please note: each loop slot has its own Matrix slot, it
changes as well when you switch to another loop slot!
4) Play staccato!
When you play a bass or arp run, don't hold the key pressed
all the time – it's so boring! Try to play staccato,
with a little practice you will be able to invent very interesting
new melodies.
5) Be creative!
Bear in mind that the keyboard loop player is just a tool
that is designed to give you inspirations. But it is always
the creative composer that gives birth to music; you will
have to bravely apply this magnificent tool to fully exploit
all its features!
Have fun! :)
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