"the Ramans do everything in threes." - Arthur C. Clarke
It's time for a rendezvous with RAMA, PinkNoise Studio's new para/polyphonic synthesizer.
RAMA is a classic synth on steroids. The heart of RAMA is a vintage synthesizer from the 80s. This is the Korg Poly-800, which has some unusual features:
oscillators (DCO) build the waveform from variations of 4 simple pulse waves
Paraphony: polyphonic sounds with a single filter
six stage envelope generator
But these are only the starting points, RAMA has many other features that make this instrument a powerful synthesizer that can hold its own in any music style.
Additional features
3 oscillators with dual filters
3 oscillator types: P-800 osc mode, wave or sampler
33 waveforms from famous synthesizers (when P-800 mode is off)
3 rearrangeable fx units with 12 fx types
flexible routing
synth & fx modulation matrix
XY control pad using macros or performance controllers
mix pad for real-time mixing of 3 oscillators
versatile arpeggiator and step sequencer
5 play modes: poly, mono, chord, arp, seq
RAMA has different levels of complexity, depending on your needs. Using the grouped global controls it can be simple like an axe, eg. if you want to create a simple bass.
But once you separate them, RAMA can be as complex as an airbus cockpit: it's up to you.
What's new
The latest version is 1.5.0
You can read the version history in pdf format.
Demo song