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Help - how download works



When you buy a refill product from us, you receive a license code via e-mail within 24 hours. Please note that we send out your license code manually, so it takes a little time.

Your license code grants you access to the protected download area on This is the place where you can download the full product and updates - from anywhere and anytime you wish.



1) After you received your license code via e-mail, please login to Reasonbanks' users area by  clicking here

If you haven't created a user account yet, do it now:  registration


2) After login, you can see the menu on the right. Choose the "product registration" option.


3) Enter your license code. Please note that your code has 2 parts, which are separated by "-". After that, click on the "register" button. If you have received a "succesful registration" message, you won!;-)


4) Now check the "pro refills" in the "Downloads" panel. As you can see, your registered product appeared in the list. From now on you can download the full version anytime you wish, but please be careful: the same download will not be available more than a few times!


5) After you downloaded the file, unzip (or unrar) the compressed content to where your refills and soundfiles are located.


6) Launch Reason and have fun! :-)


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